ERROR_UNINSTSETUP=unInstaller setup failed to initialize. You may not be able to uninstall this product.
IDSS_INFO_USER=User information:
IDS_MAINLANG_MISSING=Main language pack is missing! Installation files are probably missing.
IDS__DLL_LOAD_ERROR=Internal setup error! (LOAD) Setup will be terminated!
IDS_USE_NET2=Select YES, if you are connected to local network, use TCP/IP and want to use network version of Avast. Select NO otherwise.
COMP_NAME_GUIS=Copying GUI system support files...
IDS_LANG_MSG=Here you can select additional language modules.\nDocumentation will be in main language only. Avast's language will be switchable.
IDS__SETUPCOMPLETE=Setup complete...
DLG_ASKLANG_CAP=Language selection
COMP_NAME_LANG_EXE=Copying language depending executables...
IDS_USE_NET=Use network:
IDS__README_MSG=Read this information now. It's necessary for correct work of AVAST32!
IDS_VER_CLEAR=Working hard...
IDS_VER_NEW=The installation program has found that you \nhave newer or same version installed.
IDS__SETUPCOMPLETE_N=Setup is complete. You may run the installed program by selecting the program icon in the Start menu.
IDS__SETUPCOMPLETE_O=Setup is complete. You may run the installed program by selecting the program icon in the icon group.
ASK_NTSERVER=You are trying to install Avast32 on Windows NT server.\nIf you are sure you have latest backups, you may continue installing by pressing Yes.\nOtherwise click No and do so (or consult file ADMIN.TXT for information about\nservices used by Avast32).
COMP_NAME_RES=Copying residents...
IDS_TOO_MANY_LANGS=You have installed more than one language. This update has support for only one language. You can exit this setup and run multilingual one or continue. Other languages will be deleted.
COMP_NAME_LANG_OTH=Copying language depending files...
ERROR_MOVEDATA=An error occurred during the move data process : %d
IDS_VER_OLD2=It is possible to continue in this installation\nby clicking Next button. The program will\ntry to overwrite older version.
IDS__PERSONALISING=Personalising software...
IDSS_REGISTER_MSG=Please register your product now.\nIf you are using this program at home, enter your home address instead of company name.
REBOOT_NOW=Update is complete. Restart computer to apply the changes.
IDSS_INFO_TARGET_DIR=Target directory:
WXXSYS=System files
WXX=Main program files
IDS_SER_BAD_PERS=Can't personalize the software.\nContact technical support, please.\n
IDS_VER_OLD=You have an older version installed.\n\nWe recommend you to exit this installation by\nclicking Cancel button and deinstall older version.
COMP_NAME_EXE=Copying executable files...
IDS_ADMI_MSG1=You are not logged on as an administrator.
COMP_NAME_MAIL=Copying mail scanner...
COMP_NAME_GUI_SYS=Copying GUI system files...
IDS_ADMI_MSG2=You must log off and then log on as \nadministrator to run this installation.
IDS_VER_DEINST=Before starting the deinstallation manually or\nclicking the Next button, check that NONE of\nthe AVAST32 programs is running.
IDS_ADMI_MSG3=The installation will terminate now.
IDS_VER_NOOVER1=Install can not perform upgrade over this version.
IDS_VER_NOOVER2=Unistall older version first. Then run this \nprogram again.
COMP_NAME_LANG_HELP=Copying help files...
COMP_NAME_OTH=Copying data files...
IDS__CREATINGFOLDERS=Creating folder and shortcuts...
IDS_AUTOSP=You've got older version installed. If you want to upgrade\nthe software to the latest version, click Next.\nOtherwise, exit the installation.
IDS_USE_MAIL2=Select YES, if you want to scan your mail. See README for further information.
IDS_MAINLANG_MISSINGSP=You've got installed different language that this installation supports. Choose correct language install.\nYour language:
IDS__README_QUESTION=Press YES if you want to continue in installation, press NO otherwise.
IDS_SER_OVER=The key you entered is a demonstration version key. \nBecause you used it for more than 3 months, you should pay for this software.\n(Or check the settings of your computer's clock)
IDS_UPD_PASSWORD_CAPTION=Enter username/password
IDS_NO_SPACE=There is not enough free space on this disk.\nPlease, select other disk.
IDS_VER_CURR=You are trying to install version, which is currently installed.\nIf you want to exit installation, click Cancel, then Exit.
IDS_SER_DLG_ERROR=Error displaying the dialogue for serial number.\nContact technical support, please!
IDS_VER_CURR_OPT1=&Service pack installation.
IDS_VER_CURR_OPT2=&Full (standard) installation.
IDS_USE_MAIL=Use mail scanner:
IDS_SER_INVALID=The serial number you entered is invalid!\nCheck what you typed or contact your distributor.\nPress Yes, if you want to re-enter the serial number.\nPress No, if you want to install Avast32 3-month demo version.
COMP_NAME_GUI_BMP=Copying GUI bitmap files...
IDS_SER_MISSING1=For installation on this platform you need license numbers which begin with
IDS_SER_MISSING2=.\nIf you have such numbers, enter them into license dialogue.\nOtherwise contact your distributor.
IDSS_FAILADMIN=Cannot launch ADMIN installation! Setup will be terminated!
IDS_VER_CURR1=You have version:
IDS_VER_CURR2=\nThis is version:
IDS_BAD_NTS=You are using incorrect WindowsNT version.\nAt least version 4.0 with SP 3 is needed.
IDS_NO_ADMIN_INSTALL=Sorry, but in this version there's\n no wizard for admin installation.\nRefer to file ADMIN.TXT.
IDS_VER_CURR3=\nYou can select type of installation or press Cancel to stop.
IDS__WRITING_REGISTRY=Writing to registry...
ERROR_VGARESOLUTION=This program requires VGA or better resolution.
DLG_ASKLANG_MSG=Here you can select additional language packs to install.
IDS_DEINST_MSG1=Possible remains from previous installation were found.
IDS_UPD_PASSWORD_TEXT=Enter full login name and password for updates. If you leave the fields empty, you will be able to perform 'local' updates only. See UPD_NT.TXT.
IDS_DEINST_MSG2=It's recommended to end this installation, reboot your computer\nand start this installation program again.
IDS_DEINST_MSG3=If you've just rebooted and see this message again, continue by\nclicking Next.